At CCA we are committed to transform our students into tomorrow leaders so that they can make positive contribution towards their society, country and world at large.
We set high standards and have clear vision. We identify, anticipate and meet students’ needs to enable them achieve their highest potential and become what they want to be.
Most importantly, we foster an inclusive environment of dignity, integrity and respect. Well trained and experienced faculty keeps student intellectually stimulated, builds creativity and adds more dimensions to their life. It is a well acknowledged fact that world is changing and it is changing very fast and this change requires students who are not only academically brilliant but also outstanding on the multifaceted fronts.
Guided by the vision of our chairman we make education a totally joyous process where students work hard in academics and participate in sports with equal enthusiasm. As a result we have not only given 100% results year after year but also won accolades in games.
Every year dawns with different challenges which have to be faced boldly. In the long history of mankind those who have learnt to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.
We all firmly believe in the fact that “ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS”.
Pradeep Kr. Sapra