Milestones & Alumni


  • Runners up for CBSE Badminton Nationals under 14.
  • First position for CBSE East Zone Badminton Tournament (2008-09).
  • First position in CBSE National Badminton Tournament (2008).

Our Alumni (at a glance)

  • It gives us great pleasure & satisfaction when we get to know that the Alumni of our school commanding prestigious positions in both Government & non-government institutions in India and overseas including Magistrate, Pilots, engineers, IT professionals, Doctors and defense personals etc.
  • Avantika Chaudhary Youngest Magistrate in Uttarakhand
  • Abhinav Gahlaut Sr. Pilot - Air India
  • Chirag Chugh Squadron Leader - Indian Air Force
  • Garvita Singh Surgeon – Sir Gangaram Hospital (New Delhi)
  • Jatin Bhardwaj M.Tech – IIT Roorkee (Irrigation Deptt, UP)
  • Sheetal Kargeti Champion of CBSE National University Badminton
  • Rohit Ranaut National Badminton Player (now with Northern Railway)